
Sunday 13 January 2013

Disaster strikes

Well, it feels like my right arm has been cut off.  I don't know how I will last the next couple of weeks? Is there support group for this sort of thing??? There had better be or there could be one very stressed and stroppy woman wandering around, I can tell you.
Oh, did I not say - my machine is on the blink.
After a fun few hours in which I managed to pull together my block for the Modern Stash Quilting Bee as well as a little pouch for Emily as a surprise (thanks again Noodel-head), I needed to fill another bobbin and that is where it all went wrong. For some reason it won't wind even though the motor is running so tomorrow first thing I need to get on the phone to the man in Edinburgh to see how quickly he can fix my baby. The idea of not having a working machine, even though I rarely stitch in the evenings after work, fills me with dread.  I don't think I have been machine-less for nigh on 34 years ( yes, I could sew as soon as I left the womb.....) so if kind readers you have any goodness in your bones, which of course I know you have by the bucket load, you will tonight be saying a little word in the right place on my behalf to ensure that the lovey repair man can act a bit toute suite and get me back up and running.

In the meantime here are a couple of pictures of the successful makes before it all went pear shaped.  I love this Supernova  block that January T has asked us in the Las Vegas Hive to make. I never make things in yellow, but am a big fan of grey ( or gray to my friends over the pond), but January  has made a great choice I think. The tutorials from "Freshley pieced" are great and as you would have guessed I now want to make a whole quilt in this pattern.  I am however intrigued to know why the tutorial says to not steam as you go when making, so if anyone wants to let me know why I would be grateful. We also had a little "lost in translation" moment too over in the Flickr group as I made a gag about Oasis and " Supernova" in my post, but as the beloved JB would away , it didn't hit the baffle plate. Clearly the Mancunians' fame is not as wide spread as I had anticipated. So sorry about that chaps.
My second little make today was this small pouch for Emily. The naughty cats made me think of her and I think will make her chuckle so I will pop it in the post tomorrow. She would have been freezing her little tootsies off today on the snowy Quayside in Newcastle, selling her photography, so she I thought it would give her a nice little surprise. It's a big week for her and the wonderful Mr S as they collect the keys on Friday to their newly purchased first house . I can't wait to get to see it as they have lots of ideas and  generally hard work ahead of them but its so very exciting. All in all a very  exciting time for all our young people at the moment.
Anyway that's me for now. I am off to find the stitching equivalent to the Samaritans ......hopefully see you all very soon ( repair man willing) x

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Scrappy dabblings

First and foremost Happy New year to you all and I hope you had a great great Christmas. We had a great couple of days, although both the beloved JB and I were back at work on Thursday last week. To make up for this I had a lovely treat of having  two of my gang home this weekend which was wonderful. Number One Son and the lovely Danni flew up on Friday night, through the wind and the rain (and a very dodgy landing at Turnhouse) to join me, Emily and the lovely Mr S. We had a hoot, although we missed my big noisy husband but did try to make up for this by a night of home made French Martini's which probably each had the alcohol content equivalent to about half a dozen in the average bar - and very scrummy they were too! No sore heads though which was a bonus.
It's pretty much back to normal here though come tomorrow, as my employers stick to the English one day hangover respite as opposed the Scots who need the two day cure. I thought I just has time for  a wee stitch today just to unwind and my original plan was to make my square for the Modern Stash Quilting Bee but I discovered that I had no plain grey for the first round background so that plan had to be shelved. Instead I had a bit of a play as I haven't had chance to use any of the Japanese charms I received from the swap back in the autumn. 

I thought I would have a look through these to see what I could find and it turned into quite a fruitful afternoon actually, as I managed to turn out 3 small makes.
First of all I made a small basket to use when I am stitching. I don't know  about you but I have a habit of dropping any small pieces on the floor as I move things around on my table to the machine, so I thought this little basket would come in handy to use for Work In Progress. 
Next I used some tiny little one inch squares to make this taller handle free version, which will hold pencils and the like. It was a struggle to line and a bit of an experiment in how small I could go, so probably won't be repeated again for that reason.

Last and by no means least I made a scrappy zippy pouch, based on the great tutorial by Noodlehead. I know this particular tutorial is very popular with a lot of my blog and flickr friends but just in case you are not familiar, I have attached the link. I needed a new make up bag as the Lancome girl has been seen rolling her eyes whenever I am in  for  a purchase, because the one I have been using I think was a give away about 15 years or so ago. This is definitely a bit more individual I reckon.
I think that's all my news for today. No New Year's resolutions from me, as I am more of a serendipitous nature, but I can say that the beloved and I are vowed to be more at home this year so I hope that means a lot more makes. Yippeee... 
Oh and most important piece of news of the Christmas period? Pepper Anne's engagement. This made us all weep like you would not believe. Brilliant news- our first son-in-law-to-be and you will never guess. She has asked me to make her dress. No pressure there then at all eh? Luckily I have a year or two to build up the nerve and who knows she may be the first bride to wear a dress made out of hexies? (Only joking by the way just in a case anyone thinks I have freaky taste.)
Till next time.